Jaroslav Orság
Scrum Master (CSM), 2Ring, Slovak Republic
Why development team needs product owner?
During process of adoption of new methodology by organization it is important to perform this change in small steps. In 2Ring it took about 2 years until we got to where we are now: time-boxed sprints, story point estimations, sprint retrospective meetings, building self-organizing team and many more. One of the most difficult and most important challenges during this long path of continuous improvement was to find and coach someone for the role of scrum product owner.
As in many companies that are adopting scrum, we are still not 100% done with product owner. We had to solve many complications while handling the product owner question. Anyway we already benefint from having a product owner. For example we are getting feedback after every sprint, so that we know early that we are going right direction (or not). This is really important for motivation and productivity of the whole team.
Probably it is not always easy to find single person who understands business, who knows the priorities and who has time to talk with you. Anyway, I can tell you having the product owner is worth overcoming the complications. In my speech I will show, how we handle product owner question in 2Ring. I will speak about what kind of problems we are facing to as well as what benefits we enjoy regarding to product ownership.
Presentation to downlaod: PDF (580kB)
About Jaroslav Orság
Jaroslav is junior speaker, senior developer and ScrumMaster. In software industry for 10 years only. His career is connected with Slovak company 2Ring. He is responsible for adopting scrum and extreme programming techniques, as well as agile brainwashing of upper management. Currently working on a complex phone billing solution of size of 1000s of Man Days. His roles on the project: ScrumMaster and software developer. Jaroslav graduated with a master degree at Faculty of Matematics, Physics and Informatics CU in Bratislava, Slovakia where he studied computer science.