Power Thinking Skills with TRIZ
This unique two-day intensive hands-on course provides immersion to developing systematic innovative thinking skills with TRIZ. Originally TRIZ was developed to provide a systematic background for creating technological inventions. It was based on the groundbreaking research by Russian inventor Genrich Altshuller who greatly contributed to understanding thinking processes behind the search for creative solutions. Many of us know that TRIZ is successfully applied to solve technology problems. But not everyone knows that modern TRIZ is not limited to technology and engineering. Its paradigm and several techniques can be used to attack virtually any type of creative challenges and problems which consist of what we call „conflicts“ and „contradictions“.
Developing our problem-solving skills with TRIZ helps us to search for new breakthrough creative solutions which:
- bring us as close as possible to the most desirable result;
- provide „win-win“ situation;
- provide the highest ratio „benefits/costs“;
- do not create negative side effects;
- sometimes even produce extra benefits.
The course is well suited for learning how to solve non-ordinary problems which require „out of the box“ solutions as well as how to produce new ideas that resolve conflicts in a win-win way. In addition, throughout the entire course participants learn several TRIZ techniques and patterns of creative solutions. Practical exercises use real-world problems, often brought to the course by the participants.
The course is based upon a practical framework developed by ICG T&C during many years of practice. This framework extends classical TRIZ and puts it to the practical use well beyond technology. During the course we work with a broad diversity of problems and examples.
- Difference between innovative solutions and compromises.
- Psychological inertia and how successfully fight it.
- Understanding problems and challenges with System Operator (also known as Multi-Screen Thinking).
- A concept of Ideality.
- Ideal Final Result (IFR) and problems formulation to target at most ideal solutions which provide maximum value.
- Formulation of problems in terms of conflicts and contradictions.
- Finding what really a problem is.
- Techniques to resolve conflicts in a win-win way.
- Understanding recourses thinking.
- Techniques to boost creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.
- Inventive Patterns of strong solutions.
- Practical case studies throughout the entire course.
- Understanding fundamental principles of „power“ innovative thinking.
- Understanding the TRIZ approach to solving non-ordinary problems.
- Ability to generate non-typical solution ideas in a systematic way.
- Improved decision making.
- Boosting innovative and creative thinking skills.
Course Parameters
Duration: 2 days
Date: 26–27. March 2012
Language: English
Trainer: Valeri Souchkov, Netherlands