Dr. Jürgen Hoffmann
Scrum Coach and Trainer, Germany
Yesterday developer, now a ScrumMaster – Which skills does a ScrumMaster really need?
Yesterday developer, today a ScrumMaster – in many companies we observe that developers get “promoted” to be ScrumMaster with insufficient preparation. Certification like the Certfied ScrumMaster tries to create a basic knowledge of Agile Ideas in two days. Most participants of these trainings do not have sufficient social skills for the ScrumMaster role.
This talk looks into the areas and tools that a good ScrumMaster must be proficient in. This includes:
- Leadership
- ChangeManagement
- Training
- Coaching
- Facilitation, especially of retrospectives
- Conflict navigation
- Problem solving
- Facilitation of continuous improvement
- Self-reflection
- …
The talk sketches ways to for ScrumMasters to grow in these skills.
About Dr. Jürgen Hoffmann
Dr. Jürgen Hoffmann earned a diploma and a PhD in semiconductor physics from University of Karlsruhe. He worked 6 years at WEB.DE AG in the software development department as software developer, team leader and senior manager. There he initiated and lead the implementation of Scrum for several software development teams in 2004. In 2005 he decided to leave the company. Since then he work as Scrum Coach and Trainer. He have also been part of processes implementing Scrum in different companies of different industries in all Scrum roles.
This experience from industries like Automotive, Energy, Finance, IT & Internet with Soft- and Hardware development is naturally part of every training. Samples, Case Studies and exercises draw all profit from this.
In 2012 he created together with 10 other Scrum Coaches and Scrum Trainers a broad ScrumMaster educational program which runs over a period of 6 months with 18 training days and coaching on the job.