Bent Myllerup

Bent Myllerup

Certified Scrum Trainer a Agile Coach, Dánsko

Bude agilita fungovat také v mém uzavřeném (embedded) vývojovém prostředí?

Agilní postupy, jako například Scrum, byly navrženy pro vývoj software. Budou ale taky fungovat, když přidáme do vývoje také elektronický vývoj a mechanickou konstrukci? Přijďte se podívat na zkušenosti Certifikovaného Scrum Trenéra, který se sám věnoval této problematice. Naučíte se, jak nastavit týmy, které mají kombinované zručnosti softwarových, elektronických a mechanických inženýrů, jak se postavit a zvládnout dlouhé časy náběhu pro fyzické komponenty a jak můžete vytvořit Minimální produkt (MVP) dokonce v samém počátku projektu.

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O Bentu Myllerupovi

Bent Myllerup is working world wide as an agile coach, mentor, presenter, facilitator and trainer. Being the first Certified Scrum Coach in Europe, in combination with his professional EMCC certification as a Systemic Coach, Bent is highly focused on helping people growing into the full potential of their individual role.

As a Certified Scrum Trainer, Bent brings his professional coaching skills to the classroom to work with students as they “cross the edge” from one mindset to another. He has an easy-going manner, yet razor-sharp insight into whatʼs really going on in the classroom.

Bent has personal experiences in various contexts: From junior developer to being on the board of directors, working in a range from garage start-ups to internationally well-recognized cooperations. In the major part of his career, his responsibility has been leading and coaching people.

Bent takes agile approaches beyond software and have for a number of years been working with Scrum in an embedded environment of software, firmware, electronics and mechanics. He also holds a Project Management Professional certification from PMI, which enables him to compare and contrast various approaches on leading projects and organizations.

Bent is a member of the agile42 team acting as country manager for Denmark as well as being an executive and team coach. Bent’s community involvement include forming and supporting user groups, certification review teams and various improvement initiatives.