
Aleksey Savkin
Business scorecard expert, AKS-Labs, Russian Federation

Aleksey Savkin is a founder of AKS-Labs, vendor of BSC Designer software and tools for software engineers. His areas of expertise are remote team management, Balanced Scorecard, KPIs, business performance management, general info-business development and marketing. Aleksey is the author of a number of articles and books on Balanced Scorecard. He runs Balanced Scorecard seminars in the Moscow Business School (MBS).


While anyone agrees about the benefits of agility, most implementations that we see are more about „process“ than about „culture“ in their nature. Agility is not only about making things faster, but also about a focus on better delivering of a customer value.

From this presentation you will learn how to support your efforts in building an agile company using an agile scorecard approach. We will talk about describing a company’s mission, business goals, tracking the leading efforts and controlling the end results.

You will learn how to organize a discussion around the ways a company can accomplish its objectives and align the end actions with the delivery of the customer value. In other words, how to make a company’s success everyone’s job by making employees accountable for what they do, what results they achieve, and how this helps to execute overall strategy.

This talk will be especially interesting for those who already have mastered agile approach and now are looking for a systematic way to incorporate it into the company’s culture.

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