
Nabayan Roy
Principal Learning Experience Designer and Product Owner, Autodesk Asia Pte, Singapore

Nabayan works on AutoCAD and AutoCAD Vertical products in Autodesk. His interests include Agile and Lean Product Development, Product Design, Validation Techniques, User and Developer Experience (UX/DX), Human-Centered Design, Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR), and Information Architecture. A creative thinker and a global speaker on Agile Development, Content Strategy, and Onboarding Experience.

Nabayan is also a Certified Scrum Master (CSM).



In 2008, a young man named Eric Ries proposed a methodology called Lean startup and coined a term called Minimum Viable Product (MVP)—the companies around the world embraced this new ‘mantra’ with fervor and hi-five. Today, MVP has become the almighty word for the first shipment of a product or a release. And viable means capable, which is great word when it comes to a product! Capable is always a good thing. But, when you put the word ‘Minimum’ in front of it; the meaning is altered. Minimum viable is „good enough“ and „good enough“ should never be what you strive for. Remember, MVP is a process, and need not be a product. It is not something you build once, and consider the job done. In my opinion most ignore the most important word, ‘Viable’, and solely focus on the ‘Minimum’ and the ‘Product’. That is the ethereal curse of MVP that has trapped most of the companies today.

But, in all of these there was something missing; something that made our products desirable. And it is Love!!! This brings to the next big question—what would it take to create a Minimum Lovable Product (MLP)? And how to measure love? And if you have noticed, the only difference is ‘loveable’ instead of ‘viable’—making the product delightful and desirable instead of merely viable. Customers fall in love with delightful products or features because they feel the immediate outcome from the product. Loveable products or features connect with customers at an emotional level and immediately become part of a customer’s life or work. It works the way you’d expect and the experience is highly satisfying. Delightful products are adopted faster, get better word of mouth, and create higher satisfaction.

So how do we build love in to our product?

In my talk, I would we answering some of the issues with MVP; the need to start thinking about MLP; the key elements of MLP; and what are the metrics for teams to measure love? This is a question that has no single answer, but many thoughts, which when weaved together creates the perfect love story for your product. But, I see three elements that have stood the test of time; it was true then and it is true now:

  • Product holism
  • Design
  • Quality

Know your product’s value proposition very well and focus on its experience early on by building a minimal lovable product.  The lowest form that is capable of being loved, accepted and a problem solver; with an understanding that it is not flawless. And we all in Agile product development play a pivotal role in this mission of making a change, creating beautiful experiences through our products that make them desirable and lovable, So if we have the chance to make even more of a difference, I say it’s worth it to ensure it’s done right from the beginning.

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